Gear Shaving
2022-03-17 09:50:05
Gear Shaving
- Shank Type Worm Wheel Hob with Module m4
- HSS M2, M35, ASP30, ASP52, S390 Disk Type Gear Shaper Cutter with DIN3972 Profile
- PA30° PCD 50mm Bell Type Pinion Cutter with Module m3.5-m5
- PA20° Module m1.5 Standard Involute Gear Hobber Cutter
- HSS M2, M35, ASP30, ASP52, S390 Bowl Type Gear Shaper Cutter with DIN1829 Quality
- Gear and Involute Spline Hob
- Timing Pulley Hob for (AT.)D.T AT10